Yes, the opening is stolen from Singularity Sky, but I've only seen the line, and not read the story. I took it in a entirely different direction as a stream-of-association writing exercise. It happened to coalesce into a coherent narrative. Oops.
If you had told me any political leader would remain in power after the first Interloper stopped by, I wouldn't have believed you. Doubly so, if you had told that same first guy would strike up a deal with them, effectively cementing the same powers you'd expect to be destroyed. But, being entirely honest, I didn't care. Might makes right. Well, at least here, it does. Being in the Hierarchy gives you a free pass on almost everything, except when someone more important than you starts paying attention. Enforcer. That effectively summarized my job description: playing right hand to anyone higher up on the Hierarchy (which, for me, was everyone). I had to (scratch that, I get to; positive thinking) go around and collect taxes, bully troublemakers and do whatever errands come up. Sometimes, maybe once a month or so, Ihave to get to tackle an honest-to-god Interloper, with a capital I.
An Interloper is, generally speaking, anyone with some kind of special supernormal ability, but it almost exclusively refers to the ones with abilities relating to time, information or minds. In other words, the only ones capable of doing anything worthy of note. The Hierarchy has it's own interlopers (with a lowercase i) who deal with the dissidents. It's sensible, really. Precognitive interference is a well-known phenomena, and it's hard to read the mind of someone whose brain strolled right on past human limits a long time ago.
But, any upstart precog or psychic could easily do enough damage to be an embarrassment. Or be enough of a pain to remove to get grandfathered into the Hierarchy. This, of course, means we typically scramble to take out any and every Anomaly that turns up.
Which, to make a long story short, is why I'm currently strutting through dilapidated underground tunnels.
"We will weave our failures into futures."
“Thou shalt not violate causality in my domain”. Or so commands the third or fourth item (I honestly can't remember) on the constitution of this dingy little backwater monarchy. It's a slithy little law, it might even be called clever, if anyone it concerns would actually follow it.If you had told me any political leader would remain in power after the first Interloper stopped by, I wouldn't have believed you. Doubly so, if you had told that same first guy would strike up a deal with them, effectively cementing the same powers you'd expect to be destroyed. But, being entirely honest, I didn't care. Might makes right. Well, at least here, it does. Being in the Hierarchy gives you a free pass on almost everything, except when someone more important than you starts paying attention. Enforcer. That effectively summarized my job description: playing right hand to anyone higher up on the Hierarchy (which, for me, was everyone). I had to (scratch that, I get to; positive thinking) go around and collect taxes, bully troublemakers and do whatever errands come up. Sometimes, maybe once a month or so, I